
Parents Countdown To College: What You Need To Know

The parent of a college-bound student has a lot to think about. But as the summer winds down and the first day of college looms closer, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure your student is prepared— both emotionally and physically. In this blog post, we’ll count down the top five things parents need to know as their student heads off to college. From campus safety to mental health resources, we’ve got you covered.

The college process

Starting the college process can be daunting for both students and parents. There are so many things to think about and keep track of! But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this section, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the college process, from start to finish.

We’ll start with an overview of the different types of colleges out there and what each offer. Then we’ll move on to the actual application process, including tips on how to stand out from the crowd. Next, we’ll talk about financial aid and how to make sure you get the best possible package. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a few words of advice on choosing the right college for you.

So let’s get started! The first step in the college process is figuring out what type of school you want to attend. There are four main types of colleges: public schools, private schools, community colleges, and online colleges. Each has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision.

Next, it’s time to start thinking about your applications. The Common App is a great place to start, as it allows you to apply to multiple schools with one application. Be sure to put your best foot forward in your essays and don’t forget those all-important recommendation letters!

When it comes time to pay for college, there are a few options available to you. Many families take out loans or use

How to pay for college

There are a few different ways to pay for college:

1. out of pocket- this is where you or your family pays the full cost of tuition upfront.

2. scholarships- this is free money that does not have to be repaid. You can either search for scholarships on your own or use a service like Fastweb.

3. grants- like scholarships, grants do not have to be repaid. They are typically need-based, so you will need to fill out a FAFSA form to see if you qualify.

4. student loans- this is money that you will need to repay with interest after you graduate. There are both federal and private student loans available, so make sure to do your research before borrowing.

How to pick the right school

There are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing a college. The most important is likely the cost of attendance. Make sure you understand all of the fees associated with the school, as well as any scholarships or financial aid that may be available to you.

Location is also an important consideration. If you want to be close to home, make sure the school you choose is within a reasonable distance. If you’re open to living elsewhere, consider schools in different parts of the country or even the world.

The size of the school can also be a factor. Some students prefer smaller schools where they can get more individual attention, while others prefer large schools with more opportunities and resources. Consider what kind of environment you feel most comfortable in and look for schools that match your preference.

Finally, think about what kind of education you want. Do you want to attend a traditional four-year college, or would you prefer something shorter like a two-year program? There are pros and cons to both options, so decide which one is right for you before making your final decision.

What to expect once your child is in college

Assuming your child is going away to college, there are a few things you can expect:

1. They will be living in close quarters with a roommate or two. This means learning to share space and compromise.

2. They will have more freedom than they did at home, but also more responsibility. It will be up to them to keep on top of their studies and get themselves to class on time.

3. They will meet new people from all over the country (and even the world) and form new friendships (and maybe even romantic relationships).

4. They will experience some homesickness, especially during holidays and other times when they are away from home for extended periods of time.

5. They will learn (hopefully) to budget their time and money wisely, as well as how to live independently.

Letting go and letting them grow

It’s hard to believe that our babies are all grown up and ready to head off to college. As parents, we want nothing more than for them to succeed in life. But part of success is learning how to let go and let them grow.

We have to trust that they have the skills and abilities to navigate their way through this new chapter in their lives. They will make mistakes, but it’s important that we allow them the space to learn from those mistakes.

The college years are a time for them to explore who they are and what they want in life. It’s a time for them to meet new people and develop new relationships. We need to respect their privacy and give them the freedom to make their own decisions.

We can’t control everything in their lives, but we can provide support and guidance when needed. These years will fly by before we know it, so let’s enjoy every moment with our amazing kids!

How to help your child with the college process

The college process can be a daunting task for both parents and students. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to help your child navigate the process and make the best decisions for their future. Here are some tips on how you can help your child with the college process:

1. Be supportive: The college process can be stressful for your child. Be there to support them emotionally and let them know that you are there for them no matter what decision they make.

2. Help with the research: The internet is a wealth of information when it comes to researching colleges. Sit down with your child and help them narrow down their options based on their interests, academic needs, and financial aid availability.

3. Assist with applications: The application process can be time-consuming and confusing. Help your child fill out their applications accurately and complete all required forms in a timely manner.

4. Write recommendations: Many colleges require letters of recommendation from teachers or other adults who know the student well. If you are asked to write a letter of recommendation, take the time to write a thoughtful and positive letter that will help your child stand out to admissions committees.

5. Pay attention to deadlines: Make sure you keep track of all important dates and deadlines related to the college process, such as application deadlines, financial aid deadlines, etc. Staying organized will help ensure that nothing falls through the cracks during this crucial time period.

How to deal with empty nest syndrome

For parents, college can be both an exciting and emotional time. While you may be proud of your child’s accomplishment, you may also feel a sense of loss and emptiness when they leave home. This is known as “empty nest syndrome” and it’s perfectly normal. Here are a few tips on how to deal with this tough transition:

1. Stay busy: If you find yourself with more free time on your hands, use it wisely! Take up a new hobby, get involved in your community, or join a book club. Staying active will help keep your mind off of your missing child and make the transition easier.

2. Stay in touch: With technology today, it’s easier than ever to stay connected with your child even when they’re away at college. Set up weekly Skype dates or send them care packages to let them know you’re thinking of them.

3. Seek support: If you’re struggling to cope with empty nest syndrome, reach out to friends or family members who are in the same boat. Talking about your feelings can be very therapeutic and help you better deal with this tough time.


There’s a lot to think about when your child is getting ready to go off to college. But as long as you’re prepared and have all the information you need, you can help them make the transition smoothly. Use this checklist to make sure you’re on track with everything from financial aid to packing your dorm room. And don’t forget to enjoy this last year with your child at home — it’ll be over before you know it!


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